Monday, September 28, 2009


This picture was supposed to look like me as a little girl- because that's how I see myself, immature. But I like the composition of it, even though I'm in a room full of things you can still pick me out. I did a lot of editing to this as well, I darkened shadows and lightened highlights to get rid of the harsh flash.

This is my best friend Jacque, though this is not how I see her, this picture... well her expression sums up how she was feeling at the moment. I chose to use this one and the next also for the editing I did to both. I cropped both of them and lightened the shadows and played with the levels in both pictures which I am actually pleased with. It was a really overcast day and I was having problems with this before which I think in these two pictures it actually looks sunny.

This is how I see Jacque, pretty and dolled up... always a classy lady. I like the composition of this picture, for some reason seeing someone put makeup on is mesmerizing. I kind of took this idea from my other best friend who has a picture of herself looking in the mirror from behind, though that actually wasn't my first intention.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Skylined Bridge

i had the same problem with this one as i did with the other, i really wanted it to work but the lighting was too dim making the buidlings in the background appear washed out. to edit this i lightened the shadows

Lake Elizabeth

i tried really hard to get the birds flying as clear as possible. this could have been a lot better if the sky wasn't overcast and also if the skyline were a little more visible. but i really like this concept.

Resaca Street

i love this picture because of the space mostly, i love how the trees and houses make it look like you're walking through a tunnel. there is also a lot of repitition, the line of trees and the line of houses.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

So Far Away... There is nothing in this picture that stands out. I think it looks like I was just aiming the camera at random things and snapping instead of putting thought into it, when in actuality I did. The settings are all the same, the flash was even still off, except the shutter speed was 1/80.

Almost There

This is the picture I was most pleased with out of the multitudes that were taken. I took it at the end of my street at home trying to see the beauty in living across from a farm after living for so long in the city. The sky was weird- overcast and sunny. It was taken on landscape mode, shutter speed-1/250, aperture-5.6, and the ISO was on auto. I like how everything in the foreground is dark and whats behind it is lit by sunlight.