Sunday, November 29, 2009

Final Project- North Side at Night...Feels like home

This is under the 16th Street Bridge. This is exactly how the river would look every morning when we would go out to row. Underneath the bridges are lit, but no one knows that! Another bridge shot. Pittsburgh bridges make me think of home, you can pick them out from anywhere. This was taken on the North Shore infront of the stadiums. When I lived on the North Side, these bridge lights would light up my room.

This was taken from Rialto Street in Troy Hill. The sad thing about this picture is that the steepness of the hill isn't as easy to see, it literally like a roller coaster. I used to have to walk this hill to get to crew practice everyday in highschool.
This picture is of the Heinz Lofts, I would be able to see this building from my bedroom window. The architecture of the building is much more prominent at night and also in black and white. It's a creepy looking building in the day and creepier at night.
This is taken from Haslage Street in Spring Hill, my old neighborhood. You can see the skyline in the distance, pretty much anywhere in this neighborhood there is a good view of the city. I always loved the way I felt that I was closed off in a residential place and was still in the city. I think it's much easier to see at night.
This is infront of the Children's Museum on the North Side, right across the street from my gradeschool. This is another building where the architechture of it stands out much better at night. Because it's lit up and the sky is dark you can really see the beauty of it. Thanks to Pittsbugh History Landmarks it didn't get torn down like a lot of other buildings in Allegheny Center.
This is famous in Spring Hill. It's a castle built into the side of a hill, a man made it for his wife as a gift. A lot of people call it Mr. Rodgers Castle, but it's definitely something that makes me think of home.
This was taken infront of one of the creepiest houses in Spring Hill with it's notoriously creepy Buckeye Tree. I don't think I could have captured the feel of the tree in a better way.
16th Street Bridge. The one bridge that every Northsider knows, especially because it's the main way we would go Downtown, to the Strip, Bloomfield...anywhere. This is my favorite bridge of all time and it's an iconic image of home to me.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Gender Swap

This is my brother as a woman. I think it actually looks like he should be in this picture.

The original woman, who kind of resembles my brother, I think it's the mouth.

This is my brother, Eddie, who reluctantly agreed to be my muse. I always thought he had a prettier face than I do.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Street Photography

The Event: Weekly Family Dinner

Monday, September 28, 2009


This picture was supposed to look like me as a little girl- because that's how I see myself, immature. But I like the composition of it, even though I'm in a room full of things you can still pick me out. I did a lot of editing to this as well, I darkened shadows and lightened highlights to get rid of the harsh flash.

This is my best friend Jacque, though this is not how I see her, this picture... well her expression sums up how she was feeling at the moment. I chose to use this one and the next also for the editing I did to both. I cropped both of them and lightened the shadows and played with the levels in both pictures which I am actually pleased with. It was a really overcast day and I was having problems with this before which I think in these two pictures it actually looks sunny.

This is how I see Jacque, pretty and dolled up... always a classy lady. I like the composition of this picture, for some reason seeing someone put makeup on is mesmerizing. I kind of took this idea from my other best friend who has a picture of herself looking in the mirror from behind, though that actually wasn't my first intention.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Skylined Bridge

i had the same problem with this one as i did with the other, i really wanted it to work but the lighting was too dim making the buidlings in the background appear washed out. to edit this i lightened the shadows

Lake Elizabeth

i tried really hard to get the birds flying as clear as possible. this could have been a lot better if the sky wasn't overcast and also if the skyline were a little more visible. but i really like this concept.

Resaca Street

i love this picture because of the space mostly, i love how the trees and houses make it look like you're walking through a tunnel. there is also a lot of repitition, the line of trees and the line of houses.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

So Far Away... There is nothing in this picture that stands out. I think it looks like I was just aiming the camera at random things and snapping instead of putting thought into it, when in actuality I did. The settings are all the same, the flash was even still off, except the shutter speed was 1/80.

Almost There

This is the picture I was most pleased with out of the multitudes that were taken. I took it at the end of my street at home trying to see the beauty in living across from a farm after living for so long in the city. The sky was weird- overcast and sunny. It was taken on landscape mode, shutter speed-1/250, aperture-5.6, and the ISO was on auto. I like how everything in the foreground is dark and whats behind it is lit by sunlight.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Picture- Not Mine, but I like it...

This artist is Fritz Wentzel and he titled this "gallery" "Balkan Portraits". I liked this particular picture because it reminds me of one that I took of an open street lined with trees.

First Blog

Pictures Coming Soon!!!